
class BaseAgent(role, agent_state=None, agent_policy=None, agent_inference_engine=None, agent_observation_engine=None, state_kwargs={}, policy_kwargs={}, inference_engine_kwargs={}, observation_engine_kwargs={}, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

A Coopihc agent.

Instantiate or subclass this class to define an agent that is compatible with CoopIHC.

An agent has 4 components:

  • An internal state

  • An observation engine, that produces observations of the task and the other agent

  • An inference engine, that uses this observation to make the internal state transition towards a new state

  • A policy, which, based on the agent’s internal state and its observation, picks an action.

By default, this class will be initialized with an empty internal State, a random binary BasePolicy, a RuleObservationEngine that sees everything except the other agent’s internal state, and a BaseInference engine which does not update the state.

The API methods that users of this class can redefine are:

  • finit: a second round of initialization once a bundle has been formed – useful because at that point the agent has a reference to the other agent and task.

  • reset: to specify how to initialize the agent’s state at the end of each game. Policies, inference engines, and observation engines handle their own resets methods.

  • render: specifies what to display.

Some things to know:

  • The agent can be used to produce observations, inferences and actions outside of any Bundle. See methods observe(), infer(), take_action().

  • You can override some components, e.g. to override the existing policy of an agent named MyNewUser with some other policy, you can do the following

changed_policy_user = MyNewUser(override_agent_policy = (some_other_policy, other_policy_kwargs))
  • role (str) – “user” or “assistant”

  • **kwargs (type) –

    keyword values ( each agent_X key expects a valid X object, and X_kwargs expects a valid dictionary of keyword arguments for X)

    • agent_policy

    • agent_inference_engine

    • agent_observation_engine

    • agent_state

    • policy_kwargs

    • inference_engine_kwargs

    • observation_engine_kwargs

    • state_kwargs


A CoopIHC and Bundle-compatible agent

Return type




Finish initializing.


infer the agent's internal state


produce an observation



render the agent


reset the agent --- Override this


reset the agent and all its components


Select an action



Last agent action


Connected assistant




Agent inference engine


Last agent observation


Agent observation engine



Agent policy


Agent internal state


Connected task


Connected user

property action

Last agent action

property assistant

Connected assistant


Finish initializing.

Method that specifies what happens when initializing the agent for the very first time (similar to __init__), but after a bundle has been initialized already. This allows to finish initializing (finit) the agent when information from another component is required to do so.

infer(agent_observation=None, affect_bundle=True)[source]

infer the agent’s internal state

Infer the new agent state from the agent’s observation. By default, the agent will select the agent’s last observation. To bypass this behavior, you can provide a given agent_observation. The affect_bundle flag determines whether or not the agent’s internal state is actually updated.

  • agent_observation (:py:class:State<coopihc.base.State>, optional) – last agent observation, defaults to None. If None, gets the observation from the inference engine’s buffer.

  • affect_bundle (bool, optional) – whether or not the agent’s state is updated with the new inferred state, defaults to True.

property inference_engine

Agent inference engine

property observation

Last agent observation

property observation_engine

Agent observation engine

observe(game_state=None, affect_bundle=True, game_info={}, task_state={}, user_state={}, assistant_state={}, user_action={}, assistant_action={})[source]

produce an observation

Produce an observation based on state information, by querying the agent’s observation engine. By default, the agent will find the appropriate states to observe. To bypass this behavior, you can provide state information. When doing so, either provide the full game state, or provide the needed individual states. The affect_bundle flag determines whether or not the observation produces like this becomes the agent’s last observation.

  • game_state (:py:class:State<coopihc.base.State>, optional) – the full game state as defined in the CoopIHC interaction model, defaults to None.

  • affect_bundle (bool, optional) – whether or not the observation is stored and becomes the agent’s last observation, defaults to True.

  • game_info (:py:class:State<coopihc.base.State>, optional) – game_info substate, see the CoopIHC interaction model, defaults to {}.

  • task_state (:py:class:State<coopihc.base.State>, optional) – task_state substate, see the CoopIHC interaction model, defaults to {}

  • user_state (:py:class:State<coopihc.base.State>, optional) – user_state substate, see the CoopIHC interaction model, defaults to {}

  • assistant_state (:py:class:State<coopihc.base.State>, optional) – assistant_state substate, see the CoopIHC interaction model, defaults to {}

  • user_action (:py:class:State<coopihc.base.State>, optional) – user_action substate, see the CoopIHC interaction model, defaults to {}

  • assistant_action (:py:class:State<coopihc.base.State>, optional) – assistant_action substate, see the CoopIHC interaction model, defaults to {}

property policy

Agent policy

render(mode='text', ax_user=None, ax_assistant=None, ax_task=None)[source]

render the agent

Displays agent information on the passed axes.

  • mode (str, optional) – display mode, defaults to “text”. Also supports “plot”.

  • ax_user (Matploblib axis, optional) – user axis, defaults to None

  • ax_assistant (Matploblib axis, optional) – assistant axis, defaults to None

  • ax_task (Matploblib axis, optional) – task axis, defaults to None


reset the agent — Override this

Override this method to specify how the components of the agent will be reset. By default, the agent will already call the reset method of all 4 components (policy, inference engine, observation engine, state). You can specify some added behavior here e.g. if you want each game to begin with a specific state value, you can specify that here. For example:

# Sets the value of state 'x' to 0
def reset(self):
    self.state["x"][...] = 123
reset_all(dic=None, random=True)[source]

reset the agent and all its components

In addition to running the agent’s reset(), reset_all() also calls state, observation engine, inference engine and policies’ reset() method.

  • dic (dictionary, optional) – reset_dictionnary, defaults to None. See the reset() method in py:class:Bundle<coopihc.bundle.Bundle> for more information.

  • random (bool, optional) – whether states should be randomly reset, defaults to True. See the reset() method in py:class:Bundle<coopihc.bundle.Bundle> for more information.

property state

Agent internal state

take_action(agent_observation=None, agent_state=None, increment_turn=True)[source]

Select an action

Select an action based on agent_observation and agent_state, by querying the agent’s policy. If either of these arguments is not provided, then the argument is deduced from the agent’s internals.

  • agent_observation (:py:class:State<coopihc.base.State>, optional) – last agent observation, defaults to None. If None, gets the observation from the inference engine’s buffer.

  • agent_state (:py:class:State<coopihc.base.State>, optional) – current value of the agent’s internal state, defaults to None. If None, gets the state from itself.

  • increment_turn (bool, optional) – whether to update bundle’s turn and round

property task

Connected task

property user

Connected user