Source code for coopihc.bundle.WsServer

# Some of the code is adapted from
import asyncio, websockets, json, sys
import time
from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe

from coopihc.interactiontask import PipeTaskWrapper
from coopihc.bundle.wrappers import PipedTaskBundleWrapper

# like functools.partial, but with arguments added from the back
[docs]def partialback(func, *extra_args): """partialback like functools.partial, but with arguments added from the back """ def wrapper(*args): args = list(args) args.extend(extra_args) return func(*args) return wrapper
[docs]class WsServer: """WebSocket Server for Bundle A Websocket server that handles a bundle with an external task that communicates with that server. :param bundle: the bundle to serve :type bundle: :py:class:`Bundle<coopihc.bundle.Bundle.Bundle>` :param taskwrapper: Task wrapper :type taskwrapper: :py:class:`PipeTaskWrapper<coopihc.interactiontask.PipeTaskWrapper.PipeTaskWrapper>` :param address: server address, defaults to "localhost" :type address: str, optional :param port: port number, defaults to 4000 :type port: int, optional """ def __init__(self, bundle, taskwrapper, address="localhost", port=4000): self.start_server = websockets.serve( partialback(self.bundlehandler, bundle, taskwrapper), address, port ) self.user = None self.bundle = bundle
[docs] def start(self): """start Start the server """ asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(self.start_server) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_forever()
[docs] async def bundlehandler(self, websocket, path, bundle, taskwrapper): """bundlehandler On websocket connection, starts a new userTrial in a new Process. Then starts async listeners for sending and recieving messages. :param websocket: address :type websocket: string :param path: portnumber :type path: int :param bundle: the bundle to serve :type bundle: :py:class:`Bundle<coopihc.bundle.Bundle.Bundle>` :param taskwrapper: Task wrapper :type taskwrapper: :py:class:`PipeTaskWrapper<coopihc.interactiontask.PipeTaskWrapper.PipeTaskWrapper>` """ await self.register(websocket) bundlepipeup, bundlepipedown = Pipe() process = Process( target=PipedTaskBundleWrapper, args=(bundle, taskwrapper, bundlepipedown) ) process.start() consumerTask = asyncio.ensure_future( self.consumer_handler(websocket, bundlepipeup) ) producerTask = asyncio.ensure_future( self.producer_handler(websocket, bundlepipeup) ) done, pending = await asyncio.wait( [consumerTask, producerTask], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED ) for task in pending: task.cancel() await websocket.close() return
[docs] async def register(self, websocket): """register Keep track of clients. :param websocket: address :type websocket: string """ self.user = websocket print("new task connected: {}".format(str(websocket)))
[docs] async def consumer_handler(self, websocket, pipe): """consumer_handler When messages from websocket are received, send them over the pipe :param websocket: address :type websocket: string :param pipe: Pipe through which messages are sent :type pipe: :py:class:`Pipe <subprocess.Pipe>` """ async for message in websocket: print("received message {}".format(message)) # print("json", [[key, value, type(value)] for key, value in json.loads(message).items()]) pipe.send(json.loads(message))
[docs] async def producer_handler(self, websocket, pipe): """producer_handler Look for messages to send from the Bundle. asyncio.sleep() is required to make this non-blocking default sleep time is (0.01) which creates a maximum framerate of just under 100 frames/s. For faster framerates decrease sleep time however be aware that this will affect the ability of the consumer_handler function to keep up with messages from the websocket and may cause poor performance if the web-client is sending a high volume of messages. :param websocket: address :type websocket: string :param pipe: Pipe through which messages are sent :type pipe: :py:class:`Pipe <subprocess.Pipe>` """ done = False while True: done = await self.producer(websocket, pipe) await asyncio.sleep(0.01) return
[docs] async def producer(self, websocket, pipe): """producer Check pipe for messages to send to websocket. If the process is done, send final message to websocket and return True to tell calling functions that the process is complete. :param websocket: address :type websocket: string :param pipe: Pipe through which messages are sent :type pipe: :py:class:`Pipe <subprocess.Pipe>` :return: [description] :rtype: [type] """ if pipe.poll(): message = pipe.recv() if message == "done": await websocket.send(json.dumps({"type": "done"})) return True else: print("sending message: \t {}".format(json.dumps(message))) await websocket.send(json.dumps(message)) return False